Honey of the Month Club Frequently Asked Questions

How often does my honey arrive?

Depending on the plan you select, your fresh, pure honey will arrive every three or four months.

Will my order ship this month?

We ship all orders in the second half of each month (after the 15th). If you are ordering before the 10th of the month, then your order can ship this month (unless you have selected a different month). Otherwise your order will ship next month. If this is a gift, your personalized greeting card is included with the first order.

Can I choose the starting month?

Yes. You may choose any future starting month on the order form. If this is a gift, your personalized greeting card is included with the first order.

What comes in each shipment?

All shipments contain 1, 2 or 3 tins of fresh, pure honey depending on the plan you select. The first month your order is delivered we include a greeting card containing your own personal message if this is a gift.

How is my order shipped?

To maintain freshness, every shipment is sent by Israel International Postal Service Mail.

What are my total costs, including shipping, handling and taxes?

We make it easy for you. Your total costs are as follows:

Honey Lover's Plan: $212.95

($199.95 + $13.00 S&H)

Standard Membership: $109.70

($99.95 + $9.75 S&H)

Value Membership: $69.70

($59.95 + $9.75 S&H)

Will I get an order confirmation?

Yes. We send out an order confirmation by separate email immediately after your credit card has been processed. If you have not received a confirmation email from us within 2 business days, please email us at honeymaster@honeyofthemonth.club and we will look into the matter.

I need a sample gift card - how can I get one?

Please click here.

Is your site secure - is it safe to order online?

Our on-line order form is on a secure site using 256-bit encryption. You may order in confidence through our on-line web site.

Can I change the shipping address?

Of course, call us, or better yet, send us an email to: honeymaster@honeyofthemonth.club and give us both the old and new addresses. Please only notify us when you are ready to accept shipments at the new address. You may request address changes as often as necessary.

I need more information!

If you still need more information, please call us at 1-888-688-2582 or preferably email us at: honeymaster@honeyofthemonth.club

Contact Us

Call toll-free | 877-242-7547

Honey of the Month Club


Be sure to visit Nut of the Month Club